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Here are some pieces of music I have recorded in my bedroom studio. Well, the word studio is a big overstatement here, actually it's just an old Roland VS-1680 hard disk recorder with some consumer-grade mics in a normal, acoustically untreated room. So take them as they are...
Also, my main intention is to create enjoyable music, not just to record sound samples to demonstrate how our instruments sound. So not all instruments on these recordings are built by us, and there are also some quite lo-fi elements in some of them.

All songs are written, played and sung by me, except the violin part in the end of "Stone Wall" which is played by Heidi.

Here are two little blues tracks in which the acoustic guitar is an old piece of junk that Heidi's father saved from being thrown to garbage can. He brought the terribly looking guitar to us and we repaired it, and it turned out to be a great slide guitar! Not in a very hi-fi manner, but who wants hi-fi anyway when playing blues with a slide in a finger...

    Rottakohokas (Rat Soufflé)

    Vinttikitarablues (Attic Guitar Blues)

The following little tune is recorded with a Tascam DR1 portable recorder, using only its internal mics and plugging the bass guitar directly in the mic in jack. DR1 is not a multitrack recorder; the instruments are played together using the recorder's overdubbing feature which allows you to add new material to an already recorded track.

The following three songs form my demo CD named "Underneath" which I finished in 2003.


   Stone Wall


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